Breast Cancer: Living with Cancer
There are so many ways cancer can change your life. At SurvivorNet, we've put together stories and information which we believe can help you as you confront the disease and adjust to living with this new normal.
Living with Cancer: Helping You Cope
Living with Cancer: Sex & Dating
We explain the real data on how lifestyle affects your cancer prognosis. We also try to gently dissuade you from the stuff for which there is no evidence.
Living with Cancer: Diet & Lifestyle
We explain the real data on how lifestyle affects your cancer prognosis. We also try to gently dissuade you from the stuff for which there is no evidence.
Living with Cancer: Survivor Stories
Fertility is a major concern for many women diagnosed with breast cancer. For those worried about the ability to have children in the future, there are several options.
Living with Cancer: Fertility
Fertility is a major concern for many women diagnosed with breast cancer. For those worried about the ability to have children in the future, there are several options.