David Dubin was predisposed to cancer, though he wasn’t aware of that when he was first diagnosed with colon cancer at age 29. He has something called Lynch Syndrome – a genetic mutation that makes someone significantly more likely to develop colon cancer. When sharing his cancer story with SurvivorNet, David described the look on his father’s face after his diagnosis.
Read More “It’s ingrained in my mind, the look my father had as I was being wheeled into the operating room,” David says. “Just that look of guilt, remorse … I inherited it from him.” Even though hereditary colon cancer is rare, it does happen. But Dave is fortunate, he’s gone on to live a very full life and advocates to spread awareness about hereditary cancers. “I joke that I’m held together with duct tape,” David says. “Spit, grit, and a whole lot of duct tape.”
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